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June Saturday

Cuban authorities check results of urban, suburban and family agriculture


HAVANA, Cuba, May 6 (ACN) The National Group of Urban, Suburban and Family Agriculture (Ausuf by its Spanish acronym) checked the results of this activity, in a tour that included 1,587 production units in 340 popular councils in the country.

According to Granma newspaper, this assessment counted 25,937 new yards and plots, for a total of 1,217,000 existing throughout the country.

The estimated production in the first quarter of the year in these spaces is 169,656 tons (t) of vegetables, 58,390 t of viands and 45,837 t of fruits.

In addition, 7,500 tons of pork and 2,103 tons of sheep, 827 tons of rabbit, 68,195,000 eggs and 360,010 liters of milk were produced, according to the report.

Among the objectives to strengthen the activity, Ausuf determined to prioritize the sub-programs that have a direct impact on production, such as seeds, organic fertilizers, agro-ecological pest management and water use and management.

It is also intended to evaluate the application of technology in the different modalities, increase the square meters per inhabitant dedicated to the production of vegetables and fresh spices.

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